Frequently Asked Questions

The decision to sign a new joint agreement and pursue a strategic combination between St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy brings exciting possibilities. It also brings many questions. We provide answers to the most frequently asked questions here. As the process moves forward and new information comes available, this page will be updated.

General information

St. Ambrose University and Mount Mercy share roots and similar missions as two long-standing independent, private and not-for-profit Catholic universities based in Iowa. St. Ambrose was founded in 1882 and Mount Mercy in 1928. The two universities share consistent values, beliefs, and priorities about education. They each have substantial reputations for workforce related student success. Given these shared values and successful outcomes in their other collaborations, the presidents of each university, Dr. Amy Novak of St. Ambrose and Dr. Todd Olson of Mount Mercy, are taking a proactive approach to the current higher education landscape to increase access and affordability to quality education for both traditional students and adult learners.

The new agreement signed by President Novak and President Olson on August 1, 2024 marks the two universities’ intent to combine under one institution. Once the required approvals from the Higher Learning Commission and other parties are received, St. Ambrose will become the nonprofit parent organization of Mount Mercy. If all progresses as expected, the first stage of approvals will occur in summer 2025. That will be followed by a “transition period” during which, in accordance with U.S. Department of Education requirements, St. Ambrose will continue to operate Mount Mercy as a separate university maintaining its own degree authorization, accreditation and federal student financial aid participation. At the end of the transition period, which is expected to last until mid-2026, the two universities will be fully combined under St. Ambrose with distinct campuses, educational offerings and intercollegiate athletic programs in both Davenport and Cedar Rapids. The Mount Mercy name will also be retained in the strategic combination, with that institution becoming the Mount Mercy Campus of St. Ambrose University.

The agreement announced in May was an academic agreement (often called a consortial agreement or co-registration agreement) that allows students to take a range of courses from either university, starting in fall 2024. This arrangement provides more pathways for undergraduate and graduate students at both institutions. This academic agreement holds true, regardless of the status of the strategic combination and can continue to be executed while the new agreement is in review by the Higher Learning Commission and U.S. Department of Education.

Beginning in January of 2023, the president of St. Ambrose University, Dr. Amy Novak, and the president of Mount Mercy University, Dr. Todd Olson, began to discuss whether, and how, the two universities might come together in mutually beneficial and enriching ways. Those initial meetings led to further conversation, which led to a more than year-long exploration of the viability of a strategic relationship.   

In January of 2023, the university presidents met to discuss the state of Catholic higher education.  These discussions led to both universities pursuing a Nursing Articulation Agreement in June of 2023 that gives St. Ambrose students preferential admittance when applying to Mount Mercy’s MSN program. 

In that same month, a taskforce comprised of members of both university’s boards and key university administrators convened to outline a joint vision statement for a possible deepened collaboration. 

In December 2023, the board of trustees of both universities signed a letter of intent (LOI) to begin a robust due diligence process and explore the potential of a deeper and more comprehensive venture, including the potential of reducing costs and increasing operational efficiencies by sharing administrative operations. 

In January 2024, the presidents collaborated again (along with the presidents from Loras and Clarke) to pen a joint OpEd on how Catholic higher education is an asset for Iowans. 

In April 2024, upon review of the majority of the results of the due diligence process, the respective boards voted to continue pursuing a possible combination.  Also in April 2024, the provosts of both universities signed a new agreement (sometimes called a consortial agreement or co-registration agreement) that allows students to take a range of courses at either university, beginning in fall 2024.

In May 2024, the universities announced the April agreement referenced above and expressed their intent to pursue strategic combination. The presidents immediately began gathering leaders from both institutions to begin academic and operational analysis work as part of integration planning discussions. Through this work and continued due diligence by both boards, St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy came to the conclusion that it was in the best interests of both universities to move forward with pursuing a strategic combination.

On August 1, 2024, President Novak and President Olson signed a definitive agreement seeking strategic combination and submitted this agreement to the Higher Learning Commission and U.S. Department of Education for approval.

The main goal of the agreement is to expand access and affordability to quality education for traditional students and adult learners alike, while also increasing opportunities for students on both campuses. Cost savings and more efficient operations are expected if the strategic combination is approved, ideally allowing both institutions to continue to serve their student populations, communities, and region for many years to come.

St. Ambrose University shares these key metrics regarding its strength and stability: 

  • Current endowment of $247.5 million as of July 31, 2023.  This is up more than 50% over the past five years.
  • 36th largest endowment out of 187 Catholic Colleges (  
  • The endowment is also largely unrestricted, with only 21% restricted by donor intent. 
  • Strong unrestricted resources, with unrestricted cash and investments exceeding 275% of annual expenses and 410% of long-term debt. 
  • Low levels of long-term debt, with debt under 20% of total assets. 
  • Department of Education Composite Score that is consistently at 3.0, the highest level. 
  • Consistent full-accrual operating surpluses. 
  • Bond rating of A- with a stable outlook.  

Mount Mercy University shares these key metrics regarding its strength and stability: 

  • Endowment of $39.3 million as of June 30, 2023. This is up 41% over the past five years. 
  • Total debt of $12.4 million as of June 30, 2023. This is less than 15% of total assets and less than 50% of the annual operating budget. 
  • Bond rating of B (Forbes). 

St. Ambrose University had a total of 2,703 (both full and part-time, graduate, and undergraduate) students enrolled in the 2023-24 academic year. 

Mount Mercy University had a total of 1,449 (both full and part-time, graduate, and undergraduate) students enrolled in the 2023-24 academic year. 

This collaboration represents a proactive approach to capitalize on the current academic and financial strength of both St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy and lays the foundation for a new, responsive, and sustainable model of Catholic higher education.  

Father Dennis Holtschneider and Dr. Donna M. Carroll, co-presidents for the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, state that this is precisely the type of proactive activity they have been encouraging colleges to explore. “We know these are challenging times for our colleges and universities,” says Carroll. “We fully support the work St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy are doing to lead the way in creating a responsive and sustainable future for Catholic higher education.”

Additional statements of support for this innovative model from the Sisters of Mercy and Archbishop Zinkula can be found here.

The intention of the combination is to strategically align and bring together the two universities to provide an innovative new model for Catholic higher education. 

The strategic combination will allow both institutions to share resources, administrative functions, and economies of scale to achieve cost savings and operational efficiencies, providing long-term sustainability for the universities and reduced costs for students and families.

If the combination is approved, both universities will maintain separate residential campuses, separate co-curricular programs, and use of both the St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy names. St. Ambrose will function as the parent organization in this combination. Upon completion of combination, Mount Mercy would become known as the Mount Mercy Campus of St. Ambrose University.

At this point in the process, with the due diligence and collaboration work that has already been completed, it is believed that the Higher Learning Commission and U.S. Department of Education are likely to approve the requested combination. If by chance they do not, the two universities would continue to operate independently, with their joint academic agreements still in place. 

We will update this FAQ as we move forward in the process. Consider bookmarking this page and checking back regularly for updates. We also will reach out proactively to our communities with updates.

For students

The agreements will lead to more pathways for undergraduate and graduate students at both universities. Students on both campuses will have access to a larger catalog of courses, a broader range of degree programs, and a more robust group of faculty.

The goal of the agreements is to expand access and affordability to quality education for traditional students and adult learners alike. We also see anticipated student benefits that will include reduced time to degree completion, a strengthened core curriculum, and new opportunities for adult learners to obtain certificates and enhance their skills in the competitive labor market.

The cost savings and operational efficiencies that will result from a strategic combination will allow both campuses to continue to grow their offerings and enhance their student experiences, rather than continuing reductions and cutbacks, which has been an all too common reality on many college campuses over the last few years.

Until the strategic combination is approved, both universities will continue to operate as independent institutions and tuition, fees, and aid will be set by each university. Once the combination is approved, any anticipated changes to tuition, fees, and aid will be shared with students on both campuses. Both St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy are committed to offering generous aid packages that increase accessibility to private Catholic higher education in Eastern Iowa.

Yes, any existing multi-year scholarships will be honored and remain unchanged for the duration of the scholarship.

Each university offers complimentary and overlapping programs. This means that students could potentially have expanded course offerings within their areas of study or new areas of study to consider. The universities may consider adding entirely new programs as a result of this partnership and strategic combination, but the priority will first be on enhancing their current programs to better meet workforce needs. 

Until the strategic combination is approved, each university will continue to operate as an independent institution and registration will not be impacted. Any updates to the registration process that will occur as a result of the strategic combination or academic consortial agreement will be shared with students well in advance of the school year. 

Until the strategic combination is approved, each university will continue to operate as an independent institution and the professors who currently deliver the curriculum will continue to do so. Not a lot will change as far as the mission, style of teaching, or classroom experience. However, more course options will be available to students as early as fall 2024. If you choose to take a St. Ambrose course, those courses will be taught by St. Ambrose professors. Students will have in-person, online, and hybrid classes to choose from.

Both universities will maintain their separate and respective athletics programs, continuing to operate as the Mount Mercy Mustangs and St. Ambrose Bees. The two athletic programs will continue to compete against each other in their respective conferences, as they always have. Colors, mascots, and uniforms will remain the same. Mount Mercy Mustangs will continue to proudly wear their blue and gold as Mustang Sally cheers them on.

Both universities will maintain their separate and respective music programs but will look for opportunities to collaborate on joint concerts, visiting conductors, and music education experiences. 

Both universities will maintain their separate and respective campus ministry programs, looking for opportunities to collaborate on service and mission work.

Both universities will maintain their separate and respective student clubs and organizations.

The combination will allow each university to expand offerings for our students, better respond to workforce and labor needs, and better serve the Cedar Rapids and Quad Cities communities. The student experience at both campuses will change only for the better.

Attend open forums and share your ideas. We believe in transparency and open dialogue. We fully expect great ideas will come from students, university leadership and staff members, our department leads and faculty, as well as donors and alumni boards. We want to hear from every member of the community.

For employees

Our faculty will enjoy opportunities to reach more students, to collaborate with a broadened group of colleagues, and to apply a more regional mindset in all we do.

Staff will also collaborate with a broadened group of colleagues and work towards cohesive strategies for our combined institution. Staff will look for opportunities for operational efficiencies through shared purchasing agreements, shared licenses and software, and shared resourcing across their areas of responsibility.

Mount Mercy employees will become St. Ambrose employees once St. Ambrose becomes the parent organization of Mount Mercy.

Both universities offer complimentary and overlapping programs. As part of our collaboration work, we will identify opportunities to strengthen each respective campus by expanding offerings for our students.

Operational departments, in many cases, will be combined and aligned at the time a combination takes place. Each campus will still need to have team members dedicated to supporting that individual campus, as well as team members who will be dedicated to supporting the combined institution as a whole. The new organizational structure will reflect this need.

Bringing two institutions together will result in some personnel changes. Nothing changes right now as a result of this agreement. Once we enter our regulatory “transition” phase, some leaders will move into transitionary roles where they will advise primary university leaders. Upon full combination, a new organizational structure will be put into place to ensure operational efficiencies.

While this may result in some positions being eliminated, the large majority of employees from both institutions will be needed to continue to support both campuses. Even if a current position is eliminated, there may be opportunities for that employee to move into another role as part of our new organization.

The academic consortial agreement enables students to take courses on either campus, which will likely result in classes being offered in additional modalities. Faculty may be asked to teach in new modalities to reach the students of both campuses. Some faculty may travel between the two campuses, but most will have a “home” campus where they primarily teach.

While most staff will not be asked to regularly work on both campuses or change the campus they report to, a few roles may require splitting work time between the two campuses. There may also be occasional events or meetings on either campus that staff are encouraged to attend. Virtual options will be provided when possible. If at the time a combination takes place, a staff member would like to switch the campus they work at due to living location or personal preference, they should speak with their supervisor and/or area leader about these arrangements.

Since our May announcement, we have been able to pull many faculty and staff members from both universities into the conversation. Nearly 90 Mount Mercy and St. Ambrose employees have begun integration planning work across 15 areas.

Faculty governance teams, department chairs, and faculty advisors are regularly meeting to look for alignment opportunities, discuss challenges, and plan enhancements to both the core curriculum and program offerings on both campuses.

Staff, including members of university leadership, area managers, and individual contributors, are meeting regularly to plan integration opportunities across areas like IT, HR, Enrollment, Marketing & Communications, and Advancement.

Nothing changes today. It’s important to remember that both campuses will continue to operate as distinct and vibrant campuses in Davenport and Cedar Rapids under the agreement. This combination allows us to expand our offerings for our students, better respond to workforce and labor needs, and better serve the Cedar Rapids and Quad Cities communities.

Attend open forums and share your ideas. We believe in transparency and open dialogue. We fully expect great ideas will come from students, university leadership and staff members, our department leads and faculty, as well as donors and alumni boards. We want to hear from every member of the community. 

For alumni

We have been happy to include alumni in this discussion following our May 2024 announcement. They have been sharing their thoughts, questions, concerns, and praise for this approach. We particularly appreciate the thoughtful discussion at our August 5 Alumni & Donor Town Hall. We continue to encourage our alumni to reach out to with questions, thoughts, or concerns.

Until the combination is approved, each endowment will remain controlled by its respective university and will not be affected. If and when a combination takes place, the endowments of the two universities will be merged and all funds will be invested together. Individual funds will continue to be tracked separately and earnings will be allocated to the appropriate St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy funds so that the individual funds grow as part of the whole. Donors may still designate the campus, program, or specific purpose that they would like their donation to be used for and those designations will be honored.

No, class reunions will continue to take place for each respective campus.

Yes, Mount Mercy will continue to have an alumni association for its campus.

The Sisters of Mercy were among the first stakeholders to be informed about our collaboration and potential combination. St. Ambrose leadership understood and supported the importance of that and have continued to do so throughout our collaboration. The Sisters appreciate this consideration and have provided their blessing and support for this important work. They have said that they see this combination as being well-aligned to their ongoing commitment to being proactive and responsive to the needs of their community. On the Mount Mercy Campus, both the curriculum and student programming will continue to emphasize the Mercy Values and the Critical Concerns, while also incorporating the values and benefits of a diocesan university.

If and when a combination takes place, there will continue to be a Sister of Mercy who serves on the combined board, we will have an advisory council for the Mount Mercy campus that will have Sisters of Mercy on it, and the combined institution will be associate members of the Conference for Mercy Higher Education. President Novak has committed to attending Mercy leadership gatherings and already attended her first in September 2024.

St. Ambrose deeply respects Mount Mercy’s identity, values, and traditions, and has committed to preserving those through any potential combination. We will keep the Mount Mercy name by becoming the Mount Mercy Campus of St. Ambrose University and will continue compete as the Mount Mercy Mustangs. There will continue to be Mount Mercy alumni associations and gatherings and a deep commitment to preserving the Mercy spirit. Through a combination, we would work to bring our Mercy and diocesan values together, knowing that each provides unique and complimentary aspects that will be important to the future of our combined institution. We will also continue to be involved with the Conference for Mercy Higher Education and have a Sister of Mercy who will serve on our combined board.

Attend open forums and share your ideas. We believe in transparency and open dialogue. We fully expect great ideas will come from students, university leadership and staff members, our department leads and faculty, as well as donors and alumni boards. We want to hear from every member of the community. Please reach out to with any specific questions or concerns.

For donors

Donations are not subject to impact by the academic consortial agreement signed in spring 2024 and, for the time being, will continue to be managed solely by each respective university for its own purposes. If and when a combination takes place, the endowments of the two universities will be merged and all funds will be invested together. Individual funds will continue to be tracked separately and earnings will be allocated to the appropriate St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy funds so that the individual funds grow as part of the whole. Donors may still designate the campus, program, or specific purpose that they would like their donation to be used for and those designations will be honored.

For Mount Mercy, please send an email to Lonna Drewelow with your questions or call her directly at (319) 286-4408.

For St. Ambrose, please send an email to Anne Gannaway at with your questions or call her directly at (563) 333-6283.

Annual gifts will remain controlled by each respective university and will not be affected by this new joint agreement. 

All restrictions on current gifts will be honored, and those gifts will continue to support the individual university programs, facilities, and initiatives for which they are intended.

If and when a combination takes place, the assets of both institutions will be managed under a single umbrella. This includes the endowments of both St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy, where those funds will be merged and invested together. Individual funds will continue to be tracked separately and earnings will be allocated to the appropriate St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy funds so that the individual funds grow as part of the whole. Donors may still designate the campus, program, or specific purpose that they would like their donation to be used for and those designations will be honored. If you would like your donation to be used for the Mount Mercy campus and Mount Mercy students, please make sure to note that designation at the time of your donation.

For the community

We have brought community leaders into our collaboration discussions over the last few months. Many are enthused by the opportunities this partnership will bring to the Eastern Iowa workforce, as industries struggle with issues like labor shortages and economic uncertainty. They have offered Statements of Support for this important work that can be found here.

We hope and expect that our legacies and relationships will deepen. We know we would not be the institutions we are today without our legacy partnerships. Today, our goal is to respond to the rapidly evolving educational landscape and the imperative to adapt. We believe that as this partnership will make each of our institutions stronger, our legacy partnerships also will benefit.